the campus
If you wish to sleep on site for seminars lasting several days, the guest house will be fully entrusted to you with its 6 rooms in the house and its 6 Pods in the forest, which can accommodate up to 20 people.
It is also possible to host you in partner hotels and bed-and-breakfasts located less than 20 minutes from the agency.
the campus
If you wish to sleep on site for seminars lasting several days, the guest house will be fully entrusted to you with its 6 rooms in the house and its 6 Pods in the forest, which can accommodate up to 20 people.
It is also possible to host you in partner hotels and bed-and-breakfasts located less than 20 minutes from the agency.

Application OCA :

Observer, Comprendre, Agir

La 1ère application mobile gratuite pour observer, comprendre et agir face à 12 situations que nous pouvons toutes et tous rencontrer au quotidien dans notre vie professionnelle ou personnelle.